LB Sidenotes

 LB Sidenotes is an original series dedicated to orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu mauris sit amet diam condimentum congue dictum vitae nisl. Etiam ut enim auctor, viverra urna eget, aliquet elit. In vehicula ligula eget tempus faucibus. Donec est tortor, consequat a lorem sed, porta suscipit diam. Quisque tristique viverra ante, quis aliquet tortor interdum non. Nam volutpat tortor a ipsum mattis dignissim. Suspendisse pretium risus vel euismod egestas.

 Donec non libero scelerisque, pretium nunc ac, laoreet neque. Quisque accumsan nibh auctor augue porta, tristique tristique diam hendrerit. Nullam lobortis, orci ut dignissim blandit, dolor purus pharetra arcu, gravida vehicula nisi dui vitae urna. In auctor massa at tempus cursus. Maecenas eleifend non quam vitae volutpat. Cras sit amet placerat mi. Sed ut ligula eleifend, tristique quam eget, congue ligula. In congue magna tortor, eu varius metus rutrum at. Vivamus quis ipsum sagittis nulla volutpat consectetur.

"At every gig, there's always someone that you really connect with because you played a song that they haven't heard in a while, or made them dance more than they ever have and that feeling is so much fun," says DJ Lani Love. A Senior Strategist at Leo Burnett, Lani likens mixing mad beats to advertising's marketing mix, calling the dance floor her perfect focus group in the latest installment of LB Sidenotes.


Presenting the very first global edition of LB Sidenotes, featuring Phil Alexandrov, sound designer from Leo Burnett Moscow. Exposed to advertising at a young age, Phil has learned that there are more ways than words to communicate a message. Learn more about Phil and his current sound project, Kubrick's Kube:


We'd call him a writer. We'd call him a comedian. But if you ask Mark Bazer, he'd say he's just a regular old guy who happens to be the host of The Interview Show, Chicago's best first-friday event featured at The Hideout.


Senior Creative Technologist Roberto Blanco talks about his creative love outside of Leo Burnett: mopeds. A proud member of the Peddy Cash moped gang, Roberto restores and customizes vintage mopeds to hone his craft.